Look at ME! (Purple Pat)

Purple Pat and Me
cleaning up after a getting some pie
Chicagoland Skydiving 1997

Purple Pat Purple Pat
Purple Pat and Me
Eloy, Arizona 1998

Summer 2000
Purple Pat Purple Pat
Purple Pat's account of the event:

I'd been doing some corn-buzzing all weekend. But, this time, I pulled the front risers to dive into the corn. I only swooped a couple of rows, but it was enough for me to foolishly lose track of where the ground was. It all happened very fast, of course. But, when emerged from the couple of rows I swooped, and saw the ground, I found that I was lower than I wanted to be. No big deal, I'll just pick my right leg up forward, and pick my left leg up backward, right? Done that a million times before. Ummmm, except that this time I picked my left leg up backward under my butt, which then resulted in a ground-leg-butt sandwich. Crunch. Two broken bones in my leg. They say I put on a good show though, and left a nice divot in the landing area.

Purple Pat Purple Pat

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