Controlled Scribbling

What will the future bring?

I don't claim to be clairvoyant, but I heard a voice that allowed me some insight "...that should be there within the hour." Pizza. I realize although this may not seem earth-shattering to the novice time traveler, it is. Pizza is in the future. I think this is just the beginning of a greater understanding of the fabric of time and space. I intend to give this a great deal of thought and suggest you do the same. Will extra cheese bring you forward in time and shorten your life? The Domino's Pizza Corporation was recently involved in a hostile take over of Swatch; should this concern us? Throughout history, no man has ever attempted to serve fish sticks with pizza. Throughout history there has never been a recorded shortage of fish sticks. Is pizza somehow linked to the ancient sundials? Why is cheese aged? Does time have holes in it like Swiss cheese?