bang boom pow - Wonder Boy
sometimes we wonder about that boy
Water Trouble
Saturday, July 03, 1999

You missed the excitement. I did my first beach jumps Saturday. The first one went great. I had a great landing right where we had planned to land. We drove back to the DZ to pack up and get back on the plane, a storm blew in. We waited a couple of hours and got more blue sky and went back up. The winds changed direction and really picked up. We knew about the change in direction but were misinformed about the uppers new strength. Out of the four jumpers I was the closest to shore, about 50 feet in the lake and about a half mile down the beach from our target. The water was warm and under different circumstances it would have been very enjoyable to be in. Water water everywhere...The furthest out was more than a half mile in Lake Michigan, oops. It was all good fun and nobody died or even got hurt. The women jumpers were all pleased to be rescued by dashing young life guards. Some expensive electronic equipment was damaged (none of mine lucky for me). The winds that Thor generated to toss me into the lake were carefully planned to be in my best interest I found out when I got home. It seems that my water heater had started leaking earlier that day. Maggie (a jumper friend that also landed in the lake) and I went home early to deal with our wet gear and do some lake water damage control. Water was dripping from my ceiling. After checking the two upstairs bathrooms for something suspicious Maggie went into the utility room, also located up stairs, and saw the water heater dripping water from the top seal. I turned off the water supply and started to do some more damage control. If we hadn't landed in the lake we would have not left early, there was talk about not coming home until late Sunday night. Boy oh boy that would have been a huge mess if that leak was left alone for another 30 or 40 hours.