bang boom pow - Wonder Boy
sometimes we wonder about that boy
It's a Rental
Friday, January 02, 1998

We had our rental car three feet of the ground! No lie - just like in the movies. We were out on some desert road, gravel, there was a 'dip' sign and we hit the dip at about 65mph. Dino was driving. We went whahump, you know that negative G carnival ride feeling, the car never completely left the ground. Dino slammed on the brakes for effect and we skid about 50 yards. We (Debbie, Lori, Dino & Me) all laughed and decided we should try to get air-born. Dino did a violent 180 and shot back past the dip, another violent 180 to get us facing it again. With a skid created dust storm all around us we discussed what we thought we would need to do to leave the ground. If we were going 65 the first time I calculated we would have to go 85 to fly. The girls agreed we needed to go faster but didn't express their opinions in numbers. It was settled, we would go faster than 65. Dino got rolling towards the dip, hammer down. We had all buckled in. Debbie sat wide eyed, quietly - anticipating. Lori, riding shotgun, started squealing when the car got up to 40 and continued to squeal more and more as we gained speed. At 85ish Lori was screaming 'NO - NO - NO!" She had changed her mind but the rest of us were determined (not that it mattered - Dino was at the helm). The last I saw the speedometer we were just over 80 and picking up speed. We hit the dip and went WHOOOSH! The noise of the our wheels on the gravel road disappeared for a second as we flew across the sky. We were soon weightless in the car. The nose of the car, weighted with the engine, was the first to turn back towards earth. BAM! We landed a car length from the dip and Dino locked up the brakes and we slide haphazardly to a stop. There was an instant of silence as we all gathered our thoughts - then laughter.

Wish you were there.