bang boom pow - Wonder Boy
sometimes we wonder about that boy
Jump 962
Friday, December 28, 2001

my first malfunction
that is if you don't count my 7th jump
when I had an AAD misfire and had two canopies out
a giant manta and a huge round
you can't get a slower fall rate than that
this time things were happening faster
I had a packer pack me a line over
not on purpose, just ended up that way
a guy named Paul that asked me to say hi to Todd O
Amy saw it from above
as I was spinning toward earth
she said it didn't look good
it turned my canopy into a nice bow tie
I had some line twists under the slider
the slider was mostly down but it blocked most of my view of the canopy
I saw fluttering end cells and my slider
do they make clear sliders?
maybe they should
I tried to kick out of the line twists and it just sent me spinning the other way
the canopy was pretty much level with me the whole time
I checked my altimeter and decided to try to shake it clean
I grabbed my toggles and tried pumping
left hand turn, right hand turn, flare; no response
I checked my altimeter again and decided I didn't want to land it
I'd say I was burning through 1200 when I pulled the red handle
chink chink and I was under a beautiful white reserve
kudos to Dust Bunny
I had plenty of time to look around
see my main and free bag
I turned 90 degrees toward the landing area
then decided to follow my stuff
another 180 and a nice landing near my stuff
it was a no wind day so everything came pretty much straight down
it was very exciting
I think it was much more frightening to Amy who was watching
I knew what I was thinking and was calm and altitude aware
Amy had know idea what was going on in my head
I saw Amy watching me under my reserve
so when I landed I jumped up and down
and did a little everything's all right dance
it was very exciting
tons of left over adrenaline
it was the load before sunset
perfect way to end the day
I dropped off my rig at the rigger's place
and tossed a couple of beers down
the rigger had me up and jumping by noon the next day
it was very exciting